The importance of networking within the creative industries.

October 29, 2021

1. Networking what is that ?

Networking is about building relationships and connecting with people you may know, you meet before or making a new connection with people which you don't know. Shortly speaking, networking is nothing more like making a kind database where you collect people and you want to keep with them touch because of the same hobby, profession or business issues. In creative industries, networking has importance for business and career and we are going to consider networking from this kind of perspective.

2. How to build your own network.

To use building a network related to your career or business I recommend starting from LinkedIn. This medium is quite crucial for employers and professionals who want to develop career paths. From the perspective of being a Web Developer, LinkedIn allows me to build a network with potential employers and companies interested in hiring and also I can lead trends and requirements dictated by employers and have an overall look at the Web industry.

LinkedIn profile as a good example of networking tool.

Another strategy which allows expanding network which I like some much is to joining to communities or meet up groups. We can find plenty of online events where you can meet employers. Also using other channels such as Discord, Twitter, Github are desirable and supportive.Quick guideline on how to "networking".

Meet Up groups are good to expand your network.

Also, University could be very helpful with building your network, is good to attend events where you can catch contacts to experts from HR & employment. A few weeks ago I have got that sort of event where I catch contact with many people related to the certain company which interested me as a potential employer.

All good but, we need a solid plan first. In the book "Never Eat Alone" (read more about the book) written by Keith Ferrazzi author says the big mistake is usually professionals don't realize the clue of this process is to set up action plan where decide "who you want to build connections with and how you plan on doing it". Below we can see how to make Action Plan: 

1. Is important to create two separate lists. The first list should contain people you have met and decided about a relationship which you want to develop and strengthen. For instance, the list has colleagues and other people you have met at events etc.

Another list, the second one refer to people who you want to meet like members of a community which you are interested in, leaders at work or influencers etc.

2. The next set, create an action plan. Choose actions you will take to meet or strengthen your relationship with each person on your list. As you do so, strategize the best ways to connect with each individual. You should focus on making an excellent first impression if you're meeting someone for the first time. Make it a point to meet for coffee on a regular basis if you already know the person.

3. During the process of fostering connections and setting new goals, your Relationship Action Plan should be updated regularly. You will build relationships faster if you are deliberate in your networking efforts.

Some tips which you can use at Networking events - link.

3. Present yourself!

If we are going to participate in networking events, must have is own networking business card. Exchanging business card help to build the network as well.
Because networking business cards are small and easy to carry and distribute, they enable you to make professional connections with other people in your field. Additionally, their contact details and professional information provide you with opportunities to network with others. As part of your job search, you can hand out your flyers at job fairs, industry networking events, and during job interviews. When you attend trade shows or social events, you can distribute business cards to expand your professional network.
Unlike standard business cards that your company provides, networking business cards aren't issued by your employer. Instead, you create them yourself, including the information that matters most to you.

Networking at events compared to networking online is slightly different therefore your strategy should be also overthought very carefully. Online networking requires online tools, in my opinion except digital Portfolio is also good to have a universal digital CV, and digital business cards. Moreover is good to be aware, recruiters can just want to have quick chat with you through communicators such as teams or zoom, therefore, is we need to be prepared for this circumstance and also use all digital assets to promote ourselves and build networks.

You can read more about digital business cards here.




